Tuesday, September 19, 2017

I finally got around to watching The Prestige.

And I loved it. I had already had the twin twist spoiled, but even then it was incredibly enjoyable. Christopher Nolan has always been one of those directors I've known was top notch, but I've just never gotten around to watching all of his stuff. Even though I'm about 11 years late, I thoroughly enjoyed it. I've always been a fan of clever editing and non-linear storytelling, and Nolan knocks it out of the park in that regard. And the casting was perfect, every role was filled by a grade A actor, and it really seemed that they were all extremely invested in their roles, more so than usual. The use of symbolism was amazing as well. The ball being transfered from brother to brother in the prison was my personal favorite example of this. Once the reveal with Tesla's transporter was revealed, I was afraid that the movie would go off the rails a bit and lose what It was doing so well before, but if anything, the extra layer that it added showed the obsession Hugh Jackman's character was feeling, and showed the extent he would go through for the spotlight. I'm saddened that I couldn't experience this movie without It getting spoiled, but I'm glad I did. The subtle hints throughout the movie really make me feel like it was meant for multiple viewings. It is easily one of my favorite movies. Didn't really have a point to this, just felt like sharing.

Submitted September 18, 2017 at 11:24PM by kab2818 http://ift.tt/2xuyaEz

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