Sunday, September 17, 2017

What to watch after Citizen Kane

First post here. Watched Citizen Kane last night. It was so good! Too bad I had prior knowledge about the ending... but could pick the subtle references throughout the movie, so it was nice.

Started craving old forgotten classics and so far got to watch 5 movies (everyone still talks a lot about movies from kubrick, hitchcock, etc):

  • ben-hur
  • lawrence of arabia
  • soylent green
  • 12 angry men
  • citizen kane

I'm looking for movies that go into the citizen kane category: "its the best movie ever that no one saw". Do you guys have some suggestions where to move? I really enjoyed Ben-hur and Lawrence of Arabia. Just thinking about those send shivers down my spine. It was a life changing experience.

Submitted September 17, 2017 at 09:16PM by htsukebe

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