Monday, September 18, 2017

What "mother!" did wrong

Yesterday, I saw "mother!" After seeing it praised for being an interesting surrealist piece and liking other Arnofsky works. I hadn't even seen the trailer going in so I was completely blind. I'm not usually the "reading into things" guy but I figured out the subtext as soon as Michelle Pfeiffer showed up. From there, all the story beats were obvious in a broad sense. Usually spoilers don't keep a film from being scary to me, yet this didn't make me scared or nervous at all, because I don't really think this movie had plot progression. Things happened, but did Jennifer Lawrence once do a single thing that effected the movie?

This is the problem with mother!. It gets so lost in it's allegory that it forgets to write a film. This movie just...doesnt have characters? All the dialogue is hamfisted and out of left field ("Why dont you want children? Oh I shouldn't ask. Is it him? He still loves you") and when it would make sense for a human being with real emotions and a desire to understand the world around them to actually ask questions to figure it out, nothing. "Hey honey why is there a big cave in our basement? Seems unsafe." If the movie's intent was to show she had a problem speaking her mind, an issue in the husband-wife dynamic, then she should have had some sort of development.

It's the kind of movie that will be talked about for years because it has an underlying meaning, but it doesn't have an overlying one at all. People will defend it by saying some don't get it, lumping me in with those who wanted horror or didn't like the imagery, but I do get it. It's just kind of stupid.

Submitted September 18, 2017 at 06:28AM by JustAPrankBro

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