Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Thoughts/Review on Independence Day Resurgence (7.5/10)

Much better than people have let me know. Great spectacle, knows what it is, and uses it effectively for entertainment. If you want a superbly well written character piece? Do not watch this. If you wanna watch some good old popcorn out of this world action, with some of the highest production value, and just turn brain off good time fun. This is a great movie at that.

Sometimes movies like this can be, well. Bad of course. But that's only when the people making the movie, don't know what they are making, and the movie takes itself too seriosuly. This movie surely don't and just go with the ride and spectacle of it all.

I guess it's just in hating this movie? What expectations did people have? I'm baffled. If you saw the first one, you know what you're gonna get. So much undeserved hate for an entertaining movie, that doesn't try to be something it's not. And just go with it. Good popcorn action fun. Very well made. I'd give it 7.5/10. Don't let the haters get you down. :)

Thanks for reading, and have a good day.

Submitted September 05, 2017 at 12:39PM by VonDinky http://ift.tt/2w4aO4e

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