Thursday, September 28, 2017

I am unsure what to make of Jaws.

So I've been hearing for a while about how Jaws is an iconic movie. Since I've never seen it I decided to watch it. I liked it, but I felt a little let down. The movie seems to kind of meander for a long time and it takes a while for things to happen. I'm a patient person and willing to sit through something slow moving, but for such a classic the pacing surprised me. Also I didn't think it was scary. At all. Yes, I know sharks were freakier back in the day but I still don't see how the movie was supposed to be scary. I thought it was suspenseful and I did enjoy it, but ultimately I don't see how it became a classic. What are your thoughts on the movie?

Submitted September 28, 2017 at 06:01PM by your-imaginaryfriend

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