Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Do you think it's weird if someone rarely/never cries during a movie?

I very rarely ever cry when I watch movies, and even when I do, I usually only cry shortly after I've left the theater or a couple of hours after I had watched a movie. At most, I think only 20 movies have succesfully made me cry, and more than half of those weepings were when I was a kid, and even that isn't saying much because kids are usually more emotionally sensitive than adults. Even movies that are basically designed to make you cry (or at least have that one scene that is designed to) have failed to make me shed a tear: Schindler's List, the Green Mile, E.T., Forrest Gump, Saving Private Ryan, Titanic etc. I can get sad or depressed when I watch certain movies, but I almost never cry. Is it weird if I (or anyone else) rarely cry from watching a film?

Submitted September 18, 2017 at 11:50PM by Quackadacck http://ift.tt/2xeVRyA

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