Thursday, September 28, 2017

Can't figure out why movies are so frustrating to me

For the most part I'm a calm and sensible person, I'm a university student who is open to new ideas and trying new things. But every time I watch a movie I get angry, like borderline crying angry. I really don't know why I feel this way and I believe my lack of understanding just compounds the anger. I know that movies are an art form and that they should be appreciated. But when I'm watching I can't help but think about how fake they seem to me, how lurid the colors are, and how more often than not they seem to be pushing some sort of agenda. I really want to enjoy movies; my father was a movie fanatic before he passed away in 2001. I play jazz and can appreciate most art whether it be music or paintings. It's very frustrating to me that I can't appreciate movies; they seem so contrived. They seem like a way for people to escape their problems in the real world, but I guess that is what everyone wants in some sense. Am I just not watching the right movies? Are movies not for everyone? Any insight/thoughts would be appreciated.

Submitted September 28, 2017 at 05:41PM by Scrotum-nachos

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