Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Did I miss anything in Emelie? [Spoilers]

Just watched the movie Emelie on Netflix and I have to say that I'm much confused by the ending. I didn't read a lot about the problems I have with this movie so I thought I post it here to discuss it. Obvious spoiler warning.
So in Emelie, we see a false babysitter (Emelie) who is terrorizing the kids and wants to steal the youngest of them while the parents are away at a restaurant. So far, so good. But towards the end of the movie, I had very much trouble following the plot, and I didn't see the specific problems I have with the movie reflected in other reviews a lot.
So she drugs the kids. I think this is where it starts. She wants to take the youngest (Christopher), who is already unconscious, but she stops in one room for one reason, lays him down, hesitates and then proceeds to take a pillow and try to suffocate him? Why would she do this? This was the first wtf moment for me. She also doesn't go through, she just puts the pillow on his face for some seconds, then stops. I had no clue what this scene was supposed to be. This is also where the movie starts to get really dark. I mean that you can literally not really see what is happening in many scenes from that point on. Before, the story was easy to follow, and the scenes were well lit. Now, because it is so dark, you can sometimes not make out what the fork is going on. At some point, the real babysitter (Maggie), whom Emelie had hit unconscious, wakes up and assaults Emelie. This is one of the scenes you can't really see. Actually, you mostly hear that someone is attacking, but you can't really tell that it's Maggie. You have seen her waking up, but you haven't seen her sneaking up to Emelie, which is what you would have expected given how the movie ran before. You then see that Emelie drags someone (it's Maggie) to the basement stairs and kicks her down. Emelie is really badly hurt, but she just ducktapes her wound that has no further impact on the story. Meanwhile, the eldest kid (Jacob) has managed to escape the house and to meet his friend (Howie) in a tree house. It's obvious that Howie is going to help Jacob to get his siblings out of there by somehow overpowering Emelie. The story goes on with Jacob finding Maggie (the real babysitter), who seems to be dead, and subsequently rescuing his siblings by hiding the youngest (Christopher) in some bin and burning or at least shocking Emelie with fireworks so that he can snatch his younger sister (Sally) while Emelie is busy with the fireworks. You don't see anything of Howie, how(ie)ever, we later (at the end of the movie) see him with a wound to his head. I have no idea what happened to him. Oh, and while Emelie is trying to get everything prepared for kidnapping Christopher, she phones her partner who has been watching the parents at the restaurant all the time. They are on their way back, and Emelie tells her partner she needs more time. The parents take a taxi and Emelie's partner has the brilliant idea to crash into the taxi with his car, and he dies. Yeah, he forkin' dies trying to get his partner some more time. Apparently, he didn't buckle his seat belt, because he lies dead in front of his wrecked car - why did he attempt that so foolishly? Just why?
What I'm asking myself is: Could it be that I missed something? The part of the movie starting with the scene where Emelie actually is ready to leave with the kid Christopher (and briefly acts like she's about to suffocate him) suddenly becomes so strange, that I thought there might be something different to it. But to be honest, I actually think they didn't have the time or money to bring the movie to a decent end. What are your opinions? And did you notice the change in style, too?

Submitted October 10, 2017 at 04:25PM by schriepes http://ift.tt/2hA4rAs

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