Sunday, September 17, 2017

The Social Network

Just finished rewatching this masterpiece (i hesitate to use that word) and holy cow.. it must have been my 6th or 7th time watching it and im still left with my jaw on the floor as the credits roll. Absolute mastercraft in scriptwriting as well as directing and has just enough of a shakespearean feel to me to instantly shoot up to the top of my list of favs. Even if you know the whole story behind facebook already, or have seen it already its worth a revisit for sure. Anyone else feel this way? Few movies/shows have effected me on this level. Namely, Twin Peaks and Mullholland Dr (im obviously a lynch fan haha) resonate, not in a similiar way but at least to a similiar level and its astounding to me how well done this movie was. Even the lighting struck me as better than most films which is weird.. seeing as how im not in a film related field and have almost zero knowledge on the matter.

Submitted September 17, 2017 at 04:18PM by VillageInnLover

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