Monday, September 4, 2017

Pissed off about Close Encounters Release preview documentary

I spent all weekend talking with my family ( 2 kids plus wife from another country who never saw it) about how we were going to see Close Encounters of the third kind. Despite their pleas to watch the previews like they normally do I insisted they see it without any prior knowledge other than that it involves space/intelligent life etc.

So we get there and as it starts playing a short documentary giving away everything is played and I can't believe my eyes. This totally ruined the movie for those who never saw it before. I saw it over 30 years ago so even I didn't remember a lot of stuff.

Does this happen with all restored releases? If so all I can say is, LAME!

Submitted September 04, 2017 at 07:23PM by yoyo2332

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