Sunday, September 10, 2017

My Thoughts On The Rogue One Phantom Menacing Video By Chris Stuckmann

I know this video happened months ago, but I originally held back on making a post about it because I wasn't entirely sure how I felt about it. But now I feel ready to talk about it.

I'm a fan of Chris Stuckmann. I've been watching him since 2014 and own his book and I think he's one of the best and smartest Youtube critics out there. I admire his passion for movies and film making, that he's a true geek like all of us, and that he isn't afraid to have an unpopular opinion about a film. I sometimes disagree with his opinions (I like The Amazing Spider-Man and Assassin's Creed, I felt Arrival and Fences and Spider-Man Homecoming were overrated, etc), but I still respect them.

That being said, I do have an issue with his video Rogue One And Phantom Menacing. In the video, he talks about how thinks that Star Wars fans may be forcing themselves to love Rogue One in a simaler way that a lot of fans tricked themselves into loving Phantom Menace in 1999 (Phantom Menacing). Now, there's nothing wrong with Stuckmann or anyone else not liking Rogue One and having major problems with it (Some of the issues he brings up I agree with even though I did like it) because all film is subjective. But accusing people of only liking it because the wanted to feels wrong to me. Are there some people who Phantom Menaced Rogue One? Probably (I've Phantom Menaced The Amazing Spider-Man 2 and Gravity Falls Season 2), but they are in the minority. Most of the critics and fans loved/really liked Rogue One. Doesn't mean you have to like it if you don't, but it's the truth.

He also says in the video "If you admit that this film has the same problems I have with it, then it's okay if you like it". The thing is, not everyone has the same opinion on films that you do Chris. Those problems that you mentioned may not bother others. Film is like art. If you hang a painting up, people will see different things. When those same people watch a film, they will see different things and have a different experience.

Look, like I said, I like Stuckmann, and I still do (Even though his humor can be a bit awkward at times). But I feel like this video was really poorly put together. I don't think he was trying to offend anyone, but it came across that way.

Just wanted to get my feelings out there. What do you think. Thanks.

Submitted September 10, 2017 at 02:45PM by Spidey10

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