Tuesday, September 5, 2017

I just got done watching Dead Man Tell No Tales. I am confused on why people hate it. This is a long post and I hope it's read, or at least looked at without going into down-vote oblivion. Because things need to be said.


I have come to the conclusion that people are just miserable on here, and so are the critics. They can’t just enjoy something anymore, they have to critique every little thing when it comes to a movie. It’s called nit picking. It’s gotten out of hand, and actually has affected me.

Going against the grain of everyone here, and the critics I sat down and watched Dead Man Tell No Tales and I loved it. I asked myself constantly during the movie, and when the end credits rolled, why people hated this movie. I couldn’t figure it out and then I did:

  1. It was too fun and not serious enough.
  2. There wasn’t this deep huge plot that was worthy of an Oscar.
  3. It was a ground breaking A++++ movie that made people shit their pants in enjoyment.

It seems to me these days unless a movie is this EPIC CHRISTOPHER NOLAN ride, it’s shit. It’s gotten to a sad point of just bewilderment for me. I actually cried at the movie. I hardly ever do, it takes a LOT for me to. But the endings to Barbossa, The Perl, and Will & Elizabeth were just emotional roller coasters.

I just don’t understand it anymore, this includes movies like Star Trek Into Darkness, and Beyond, more movies people hated, but I loved. Or Ghostbusters, sure it wasn’t that best, but it was still a FUN RIDE. I don’t go to the movies, to have this epic, huge symbolic movie that I need to figure out with a pen and paper to connect dots all day like Interstellar, or Inception.

I go to be entertained, I don’t need this ridiculous epic adventure filled with symbolism like Lord of the Flies, where their shoes could be symbols to be happy. I do not get it anymore, maybe it’s just the mind set of people now. People seem to be so miserable and just hate themselves, they need to shit on everything that comes out in the movies now. I understand life sucks right now, we got a shitty president, our economy is shit, we rank 37th in literature, etc etc. But why the hell does that have to bleed into a movie that IS NOT REAL.

That is the most classic thing for me, people trying to put a realistic twist on a movie that is filled with fantasy and things that would be impossible, why? So once again you can just shit on the movie and find things to nit pick about? I don’t like movies like Dunkirk, Why? Because I don’t want to watch REAL LIFE. I LIVE IT everyday, I go to the movies to escape into a story that is just not possible, to dream the impossible, and for those 2 hours that’s what it does.

There is so much negativity surrounding movies these days, that I enjoyed, like ST:ID, Ghostbusters, Pirates: DMTNT, etc etc, that it starts to actually get to me, and I start hating it because everyone else does. It’s like being constantly told a lie over and over again, and oyu actually start believing it. Or constantly being told you are worthless, and after awhile you believe it.

This has what has happened on a bigger scale. Take some of the Marvel movies, some of them weren’t good, like at all, like Iron Man 3, and Thor 2. But for some reason those get a pass, but no matter what DC tries, it’s all shit? This again makes no sense to me, favoritism. Everything in the Marvel movies is treated lightly, they tried a heavy hand with “Civil War” but it was so filled with so much comedy, it’s like if there is anything serious, it just can’t be done. I like the movies, but DC gets shiut on for not focusing on the serious and taking everything lightly? Um.. have you watched the Marvel movies?

Let’s take Guardians of the Galaxy 2, I feel like every scene was just laughing. People are dieing “hahhahahahaha, COMEDY MUSIC!” What? But when Superman kills Zod in Man of Steel, and YELLS IN AGNOY. “They don’t take death seriously!”

WTF is going on? I feel like I am in a different dimension.

Nearly all of New York was destroyed in The Avengers, but that’s okay. Let’s not focus on that, let’s focus on Metropolis being destroyed, and shit on Man of Steel, that makes sense. People have become hypocrites and I don’t think they even realize it anymore. I am just pointing out examples here, I loved all of the movies listed, Marvel and DC. Pirates, Ghostbusters, etc etc. Because they did what a movie is meant to do: Entertained me.

Not every movie has to be Oscar worthy. Not every movie has to have this ground breaking epic script. Not every movie is a CHRISTOPHER NOLAN movie. And to me that is the biggest issue here in the last few years. People ALWAYS have to compare these movies to Christopher Nolan. It isn’t fair.

There will always be someone better, but to compare him and every other director and writer for every other movie is insane. Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings are completely two different stories, with two totally different writers, and universes. But they are both good in their own right. J.K. Rowling is no where near the level of Tolkien, but that doesn’t mean her books/movies were shit.

People have grown so tainted and so miserable to me. I don’t understand it. I can’t even go on this sub, or a forum and be all excited about a movie that I just watched, without 90% of the internet shitting it, with the critics.

I can’t even talk about what I like, because then that is shit on as well. So the only person I can talk about it with is, well no one unless I know someone who saw the movie in real life. There is no discussion anymore, just take a squat and shit on the movie.

Instead of joining the hive mind of the Borg and hating on everything that everyone else hates on, have your own opinion, it’s nice. But you see, when people try that on this sub, they are downvoted so they either delete their post, or you don’t see it because it’s so down in the gutter. So all you see is negativity and nothing else. It’s become a joke, and this sub has become a joke.

You can’t discuss ANYTHING that the rest of the people don’t like, without -900 downvotes, and the eventual deletion of said comment, or a post just going into the gutter, and you never seeing it. Because naturally people are going to think down voted posts are crap.

I have given up with Critics, and this sub, and forums in general when it comes to movies. From now on, I am going to make my own basis on what I like and don’t like. I almost got sucked in with everyone else, but it’s become a sickness and I am done with it.

Submitted September 05, 2017 at 12:00PM by SlaebNi http://ift.tt/2gIZuby

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