Sunday, September 10, 2017

Anyone else a bit let down by "It"?

First off, I haven't really sifted through all the comments in the discussion so I'm sorry if I'm repeating something. This has been my most anticipated film all year. I love the book and TV series, so I was on board. Cary Fukunaga signed on, which would have almost guaranteed a horrific film, oozing fear and atmosphere. He left, but I never lost hope. The promo material was phenomenal. I saw the opening scene in theaters and couldn't wait to hear Pennywise talk more. Now, after all the excitement, I left feeling...something/nothing....just flat. The opening scene with Georgie made my blood run cold. From then on, nothing. The kids were great, it looked great, it just has so much going for it. I feel like there wasn't enough dialogue for Pennywise. A monologue here or there (would would have been amazing). I feel all the CGI done to Pennywise took me out of it as well as the choices to have his eyes look in different directions, etc... I know CGI is needed but they could have had the same effect by a great performance. It was all noticeable. He was a great Pennywiswe, but I feel a lot was buried under an average movie. I need to see it again. I want to love it, but I am a bit let down. What do you guys think? Is it just me? Help!

Submitted September 10, 2017 at 01:43PM by boofolks

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