Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Is there a war movies timeline online I could check out?

There's been plenty of war movies set at different times and I was curious if there was any sort of timeline I could check out so as to sort of watch how different wars or significant events have been portrayed over time. For example which WW1 movies are meant to be set at certain times or the same time showing different sides/portrayals of the same sequence of events. I'd even be interested if there was one stretching back further, to include films and like Spartacus, Troy and Gladiator depicting ancient wars or conflicts. Is there any such timeline available so as to kind of watch the history of war as portrayed in cinema so I know whether to watch Platoon before Apocalypse Now or The Thin Red Line in terms of actual supposed historical chronological order?

Submitted August 30, 2017 at 05:25PM by pissedoffnobody

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