Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Baby Driver and its tone.

The whole film is great, the chemistry between the two main cast totally works in a believable way and for the short amount of time they had to fall in love it works in the context of the film. The film is stylistic, colourful and its rhythm is awesome. The first act is very bright its fun and you think the whole film will follow this stylistic pop tone fun that the film presents in the first act but then the third act happens and this tone and style is all gone and its not done in a natural way.

This is a personal preference for me but I also wish the film had more action after the first amazing car sequence in the opening we never see that again the second and third heists devolve this but I will admit that they increased the tension for each heist which was good I was just hoping to see more driving as amazing as the first scene.

Now one of the biggest issues I had in this film was that they set up Baby as this guy who want's nothing to do with this life and it makes sense and it works, in the second heist we see him go out of his way to save lives but then in the third act he just brutally drives his car forward and impales Jaime Fox's character.

I found this scene so jarring Baby now goes from what is essentially a bystander criminal to a murderer at no point during the film did I think 'Man I can't wait for Baby to murder this guy' I know they set up this rivalry between them I just found that scene just jarring. Also he had a chance to get out and didn't take it why wouldn't he take it? Also Baby never reacts to this no matter who you are or what you do killing someone will have an effect on you regardless if that person is a bad person.

Another thing I think this film needed was Lilly James character Deborah go through a revelation that Baby was a criminal I mean is she told? Did Baby tell her? Did she piece it together? This is one part of the plot that just confused me, we see in the climax of the film that Baby shoots Buddy in front of Deborah okay cool we know that Baby was just injuring not killing him, but did Deborah know that the man Baby just shot was a criminal that was involved with Baby? I mean she saw his gun but wouldn't she be like Baby how do you know this man? Like she seemed to side with Baby 100% but never once questions him.

She saw Baby in a group at the Diner with the criminals but did she know that they were criminals or just an odd group of people like did she piece together Baby was a part of that gang and that he was unwilling with them?

She never once questions Baby's involvement OK sure hes got a nice heart but for all you know he was a murderer and just because he had a debt to pay off to a criminal doesn't excuse all the innocent lives around him that he let die during the film also she just helps him kill this unrelenting terminator that is John Hamm but I still don't get why she is so cool with all this violence and mayhem that just occurred around her?

All in all I still had a ton of fun with the film and I would still recommend it.

Submitted August 30, 2017 at 02:05PM by TheOldBlood16

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