Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Anyone Remember the Ad Campaign for "Signs"?

I saw that discussion earlier about the titles and trailers for the upcoming Star Wars films and couldn't help but think of Signs. In general these days, I'm pretty disappointed in how movies are hyped, with announcements for films, their titles, and even sequels announced years in advance before a trailer, or even the first film coming out. I miss the surprise of of having a completely unexpected trailer or sequel pop up, and just the mystery of not knowing what you're getting into. I still try to avoid all trailers but the first one when I find a film I want to see.

In either case, I was young at the time, but the ad campaign for Signs was one of the best I had ever seen. If I remember correctly, up until the film was released, the only "trailers" Would be long shots of a corn field at night, then an eventual cut to the name of the film and release date. I remember feeling like I had a lump in my throat when I went to see the film. I had no idea what to expect and the complete sense of mystery was terrifying! I'd love to see more films follow suit and let us actually be surprised again.

Submitted August 30, 2017 at 09:23AM by sun_flower_Knight

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