Thursday, August 31, 2017

11 major issues I had with Star Wars: The Force Awakens


1 - Poe Dameron destroying the Starkilller retroactively degrades the climax of A New Hope. Turns out Luke didn't need to use The Force to destroy the Death Star after all, he just needed to be a really good pilot.

2 - Daisy Ridley plays a dirt poor scavenger with a crisp, upperclass English accent. There's a reason Grand Moff Tarkin had an upperclass English accent - we associate that accent with power and arrogance.

Accents matter. Think about how much worse Game of Thrones would be if everyone spoke with generic American accents. Or if Ned Stark spoke like Queen Elizabeth, and Jaime Lannister like a Welshman. A dirt poor scavenger shouldn't speak like Hermione Granger.

3 - Finn, a random stormtrooper, fights Ren and gets a good shot in, wounding him. So what does that say about the powerful, evil bad guy that he almost got killed by a stormtrooper with no experience of using a lightsaber? It makes an already weak antagonist even weaker. More importantly...

4 - Rey's big moment were she uses the force to defeat Ren is meaningless, because all she's done is what a stormtrooper almost managed to do five minutes earlier.

5 - Snook is a terrible name. Sounds like a Harry Potter villain.

6 - During the interrogation scene, Ren realises Rey is strong in the Force so he... leaves her alone guarded by a single stormtrooper? In good films, characters make understandable mistakes based on their character flaws; in bad films, characters do whatever the plot demands.

7 - Why does Finn know where the Starkiller is most vulnerable? He's a stormtrooper. They even acknowledge this in the film, that he works sanitation so doesn't know how to disable the shields. But he does know the superweapon's massive vulnerability? It's lazy writing that contradicts itself.

8 - For all the criticism Rouge One gets for fan service, this movie is 90 per cent fan service.

9 - Why is Rey trusted to go herself to find Luke? The rebellion just risked their entire force and all their lives to find Luke's location and then they send a woman they've known for a few days alone to find him? Not a single person in the rebellion has even seen her use the force. From the rebellion's perspective, Rey is just a woman who stumbled upon the map by accident, got kidnapped, and was rescued by Han Solo.

10 - The movie has no compelling antagonists. Ren is, by design, weak and vulnerable and the General is a pompous cartoon Nazi. Who am I supposed to be scared off? Who makes me concerned for the fate of our heroes? Nobody.

11- The Galaxy feels empty. They spent so much time shoe-horning in references to the other movies that they had no time to populate the world. As a result, the First Order don't seem like a threat and the rebellion's motivations are two dimensional.

I re-watched Children of Men recently and in the first 10 minutes that movie illustrates a very real feeling fascist world filled with paranoia, where terrorists/freedom fighter blow up cafes and liberty is so restricted people casually walk past cages filled with imprisoned people.

That's a world where I fear the powers that control it, a world where I can understand how a small group of people would risk everything to change it. The Force Awakens doesn't have that; it's an empty world seemingly filled only with The First Order, the Rebellion, a bar, and handful of executed villagers. Why should I care about any of these people, their defeats or their victories?

Submitted August 31, 2017 at 08:06AM by SquirrelCritic

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